I rely a lot on email filters to filter out the junk email that I receive. To place emails into the correct folder and various other tasks. All emails from my various DNS, Domain registrars and etc get funneled into appropriate folder with their name. Unfortunately most of the emails are sales pitches that I don’t want so I rarely look at the contents of these folders other than to occasionally clean them out.

I had a problem with my main email account not being able to receive email nor for me to connect. Turns out that the domain has been suspended because I haven’t verified the contact information. Mainly because I ignored all of the emails in that folder that kept telling me that WHOIS verification required.

Now I have added a new filter looking for the WHOIS and Verification words in the subject line. Once these are encountered the message is tag as important (which turns the message red) and left in my main email window so that I want miss them. Like everything else email filters are a constantly evolving work.